Multimedia Technologies in Art Projects and Specifications of the Use of AI for Educational Purposes

In 2022, a laboratory of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence was opened at VGIK at the Department of Animation and Multimedia. The prime goal of the laboratory is the development of multimedia content involving new motion capture technologies, VR and AR, and elements of Artificial Intelligence. Nowadays, VR, AR and ANN are increasingly used by students to produce more realistic and spectacular films and interactive projects. New disciplines such as “Virtual Characters in Virtual Environment” and “Modern Multimedia Software” were integrated into the educational process for theoretical and practical training in working with Motion Capture Systems. These disciplines also beneficially contribute to students’ knowledge in theoretical and shooting practice, as its initial setup can synchronize an actor and a virtual character. 

The audiovisual installation will present the methods of mastering digital technologies and the principles of using AI at VGIK, as well as a multimedia approach to producing student video projects involving AI and ANN technologies. The video presentation will be accompanied by comments on the topic and show the most recent innovations in VGIK students' experiments. The presentation will also incorporate original works created as part of the digital technology course.