Preparing Academic Institutions for the Integration of AI, Gamification and Peer Evaluation: A Strategic Approach for Educating Generation Alpha in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In education, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gamification in film studies is crucial for reshaping learning methods. Research suggests promising outcomes of gamification and AI in education, providing guidance and academic support for targeted learning. This presentation explores strategic approaches for institutions to effectively utilize AI and Gamification in motion pictures, focusing on Generation Alpha, the cohort born in 2010, considered the first true generation of the 21st century. The research also highlights the use of AI-driven peer evaluation, which offers cutting-edge strategies to enhance outcomes by providing impartial perspectives tailored to individual student needs.

It will draw on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovation theories, to underpin the reception and adoption of these new technologies in the educational setting. The study further aims to contribute to research on gamification and AI while highlighting the necessity for universities to transform their educational landscape to equip students with 4IR skills. By embracing innovative teaching methodologies and investing in skills development, Universities can better prepare students for the ever-evolving digital era allowing them to meaningfully contribute to their economic advancement.