Heaven or Hype? Demystifying AI in Film Education

The super-human mythologies surrounding Artificial «Intelligence» (AI) and its application to filmmaking can easily seduce us into teaching approaches that both overpromise and underdeliver. Furthermore, the temptation exists to simply teach tool use without first explaining the algorithmic principles of AI. So how can we ground our teaching practice in sound scientific knowledge and empower our students, rather than confuse them with our own prejudices towards AI?

Here, we reflect these questions from the vantage point of our current curriculum. We present two novel teaching formats: Movie Trailer Sweatshop and Build Your Own Chatbot. Furthermore, we will present a methodology to teach the technical foundations of AI models to non-technical film practitioners. Lastly, we will reflect on how to teach the teachers, enabling them to become proficient in questions related to AI and film.

Our work with partners from computer science and film-adjacent art fields has uncovered prospects for innovative collaborations, emphasizing the need to demystify AI and make it accessible to a broader audience. Our presentation seeks to illuminate the nuances of weaving AI into the fabric of filmmaking education, providing practical insights for educators and students alike - and cultivating a curious but critical mindset.