This presentation is a synergistic exploration of UNESCO's ongoing discussions and best practices regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education, contextualized within the realm of film education. By drawing upon UNESCO's insights on AI ethics, inclusivity, etc., this presentation hopes to bring to attention some consensus regarding definitions and practices already present in the international community for culture. It seeks to tailor those insights to the unique challenges and opportunities of film education. It includes theory-and-concept analyses and case studies recognized by international organizations that might be beyond the field of film education but could be of considerable value to us in refining our approach towards AI in film education. Through a blend of theoretical and practical discourse, the presentation will demonstrate how AI can enhance creativity, empower diverse voices, and promote education. Furthermore, it can provide suggestions on avenues for collaboration between film schools, the industry and even UNESCO initiatives to enrich the existing conversation in the broader international community. It aims to inspire dialogue, knowledge exchange and capacity-building in “AI + film education”, guided by UNESCO's vision of a more inclusive and sustainable future for education.